Work with travel blog My Lost Hat.
My Lost Hat is an distinctive travel blog where I share my travel experience accumulated over the past 19 years of traveling the world. I want to inspire my readers with my experiences, attractive stories about people I met and with professional photography of interesting places. Except stories I also write reviews and travel tips. I write primary for readers in The Czech Republic but some articles are also written in english.
My Lost Hat statistics
Who is My Lost Hat
My name is Tomáš Hájek, I am a photographer, journalist and traveller. I prepare articles including photographs for several printed and on-line magazines and newspaper. I am freelance so that I can offer my articles to more than one media.
Internet media I work with:
lonelyplanet.cz, iHNed.cz, iDnes.cz, lidovky.cz, pecenevarene.cz, ikoktejl.cz, kamkam.eu and more.
Printed media I work with (estimate readership):
National Goegraphic Czech republic (140K), Lidé a Země (124K), Geografický magazín Koktejl (72K) Lidové Noviny (199k), Magazín Pátek Lidových novin (225K), Přílohy Mladé Fronty Dnes Víkend (450K) a Ona Dnes (508K), Magazín Práva – Víkend (164K), PLAYBOY, For Men (35K), Vlasta (208K), Chvilka pro tebe (417K), Nedělní Blesk (593K) , E15 (74K), F.O.O.D..pdf (81K), ČD pro Vás (1000K).

Mountains are a great relax for me, especially in summer.
Partnership with My Lost Hat
– Press trips (I can write about your destination or product)
– Reviews (accomodation, trip plans, travel eqipment, services, entertainment, transport , books, cameras, etc.…)
– Brand ambassador
– Social media coverage Facebook or Instagram
– Adds and review
– Articles for on-line or printed media
– Photography
– Aerial pictures
Read references here.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
All my articles represent my own opinion. If my review of a product, service or destination is negative you will get a space to express your statement at the end of my article.

With wild elephants, National Park Kaudulla, Sri Lanka.
My Lost Hat travels with his family
Traveling with kids is a hot topic of this time. Parents don’t feel “restricted” by children on their travels anymore. Traveling with kids has never been easier. And it is the best school (for both – kids and parents)!
Also I try to travel with my kids and I share this experience and tips on my blog and also in my articles for other media.

Sometimes even I have to take off my hat. Dinner in Saltzburg?
Family press trips:
– a family weekend in christmas Vienna
– a family week in the Austrian Brandnertal valley
– a family weekend in Salzburg 2015, 2016
– 4 days couple press trip in Burgstrasse, Germany
– 2 weeks couple press trip to Srí Lanka
– a family week in Bregenzerwald, Austria
– 4 days family press trip Stegersbach, Burgenland
– a family week in Bodensee region, Austria
– a 4 days couple press trip to Val Di Fiemme, Italy
– a family week in Kleinwalsertal, Austria
– a family weekend in Legoland, Germany
– 6 day couple press trip to Portugal, Porto and central Portugal region

Dinner in a castle Hornberg, Germany.

Kids are the best reviewers.

Little traveller.